How do I get to the hotel from Leningrad Station, Yaroslavl Station or Kazan Station?

Mitino Hotel

All three stations - where trains arrive from all over Russia, including Trans-Siberian services and nearly all services from St. Petersburg, as well as international services from Tallinn, Helsinki, and Central Asia - are located on Komsomolskaya Ploshchad, just under 20 km from the Mitino Hotel.

By taxi
IThe journey to the hotel by taxi will take 40 minutes in clear traffic, and taxis should cost $35-45. Alternatively, you can order a transfer with a driver to meet your train here.

By metro
Komsomolskaya Metro Stations is accessible from the concourses of all three stations. Take the red line and travel four stops south to Okhotny Ryad. There change to the dark-blue line and travel eleven stops to Volokolamskaya, which is ten minutes’ walk from the hotel.

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