All three stations are located on Komsomolskaya Ploshchad, which stretches out in front of the Hilton Moscow Leningradskaya Hotel. Yaroslavl Station (the terminal for trains to Siberia, including Trans-Siberian services to/from Vladivostok and Beijing) and Leningrad Station (for most services from St. Petersburg, as well as trains from Helsinki, Tallinn, Murmansk and Petrozavodsk) are on the north side of the square. Kazan Station (for trains to/from Kazan, Samara, Rostov-on-Don, Vladikavkaz, and Adler, as well as international services to/from Dushanbe, Tashkent, and Bishkek) is on the south side of the square, right next to the Hilton Moscow Leningradskaya.